Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Finals is really getting to me. sleep deprivation is at its max. calculus on thursday.

the most horrifying subject of all. calculus.

Barely scraped by chemistry today. CHM 151.

3 hours to finish 5 questions. WTH.

who says american program was easy. who says american degree students are lazy. DAMN. 90-100 for an A+. 85-90 for an A. 80-85 for an A-.

yee ler's chemistry need only 60 for A. WTH WTH WTH.

yee ler drove my car again for today. Damn malas wanna drive nowadays. on the way back we came behind joe. that fag is a bloody genius. yee ler honked him like 6 times. and he doesn't even know it's us.

2 more exams to go. good riddance to me. =\

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