Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ups and Downs

Life is full of its ups and downs, mountains and valleys, heaven and hell.

I've had a large share of this in the past 2 weeks. it is very taxing physically, emotionally and mentally.

Haven't been updating regularly. the semangat to blog has somewhat dissapated into the valley parts of my life. I shall attempt to shape this post into something melwin has done before.the heaven and hell part of life =)


we broke inti's football club history of not qualifying into the knockout stages of tournaments by qualifying for the quarterfinals and we made it to the semis.


i screwed up. nuff said. we could've gotten 3rd.


life has been moving on. less emo-ing. more things to do.


my car got stolen. my mobility has been hampered greatly. please do offer me car lifts =) appreciate it thanks.


the parents have decided to grant me the replacement.. thanks dad and mom. =)

sortaof hell

the car was supposed to be ready by today. however malaysian timing as usual. the car has not been sent for repairs at the workshop. as far as i know. so it'll be another crippling week for me. spoilt kid i am. bite me.


the bad outweighs the good once again. the goals in my life have vanished somewhat. things that i once was sure about ain't that sure anymore. time to do some soulsearching.


in a situation where you have to try to please all sides. i became the villian. now the blame is being put on me. and i walked out.



that special someone. being able to spend time with her...she just means so much .

i want to be special to her..









off i go. till the next time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


MAPCU futsal is today. =) sucess ? or failure?

i'll try my VERY BEST.

all the best to felly for her debate. she worked so hard for it.

i'm sure you'll kick somee serious intellectual butt. =P

all the best yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. <3

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Simply Shoot FC

Simply Shoot . thats our team name. =) and we rawk alright. hahaha. its pretty ironic. hahaha cause we really simply shoot. hahahhaa.
we won the ICS futsal tournament. it was soo awesome. we really worked our asses off. especially for the semi finals. it went to friggin penalties. credits go to kar wei for sure. he saved 4 outta 5. damn awesome alright. and the whole team for working so hard. we were leading 2-0. then somehow it drew. then it was 3-2. then draw again. then we lead by 4-3. then they hit back. 4-4.
hahahahha. the funniest thing happened. first thing he said was. yayyy now got 30 bucks in my pocket. LOL.
finals was quite a breeze. justin, muzaar, sam and mogan went on a scoring spree.we won 7-0 =)
Simply shoot FC. my mates. top justin, samuel me.
bottom. mogan, kar wei and muzaar.
jboy also came to support. hahahahhahaa. he rocks.his like the team manager. again. hahaha. anyways. all credit go to my mates. =) without them nothing would have happened. they rockkk.
simply shoot FC =)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Two Weeks

Heloooooooooooo all who still comes to my blog. =)

greeeeetings. It has been 15 days since i last updated. been slacking much latelyy.

anyways. this last two weeks have been very interesting.

and then it came. the BIG day. where everything just felt like a dream. will update more about everything.

simplyshoot FC to reach the finals tonight? probably =P.

till i blog tonight. i love you all. =)

SORRY ANDREW NG CHEE TAT =( please do reply me on msn.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


isn't this t shirt AWESOME =) . someone got it for me. i love it so so much =P

thanksssss a billion zillion gazillion trillion OKAY!! i'll treasure it =P