Saturday, May 24, 2008

Freshie Gathering

Freshie's Gathering was held last friday. It was a blast!! wayyy better than the two semester's before. indeed it was.

it's basically an event held to get to know the new semester people.
kindaof a tradition. andd this is the main thing seniors look forward to urmm scouting for*cough*chicks *cough*

First the event looked pretty dead. but somehow our three amazing ushers somehow managed to drag more people to the event.

here the three ushers, ui tee, gabriel and kar wei. nah i mentioned your name =/

i guess the threats worked. =) we threatened to rape them if the turnout was not good.

anyways games were handled by nicholas. they rocked the event.

and here likxiang, chris the hunk, VG, and melwin .
obviously they were there to scout for *ahem*

we definitely had a great time. not forgetting to thank also the food and beverage people, and also the organizing chairperson jay aka ah kai. anyways a very short post indeed. my feeble attempt to revive my badly wounded blog =/

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