Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ups and Downs

Life is full of its ups and downs, mountains and valleys, heaven and hell.

I've had a large share of this in the past 2 weeks. it is very taxing physically, emotionally and mentally.

Haven't been updating regularly. the semangat to blog has somewhat dissapated into the valley parts of my life. I shall attempt to shape this post into something melwin has done before.the heaven and hell part of life =)


we broke inti's football club history of not qualifying into the knockout stages of tournaments by qualifying for the quarterfinals and we made it to the semis.


i screwed up. nuff said. we could've gotten 3rd.


life has been moving on. less emo-ing. more things to do.


my car got stolen. my mobility has been hampered greatly. please do offer me car lifts =) appreciate it thanks.


the parents have decided to grant me the replacement.. thanks dad and mom. =)

sortaof hell

the car was supposed to be ready by today. however malaysian timing as usual. the car has not been sent for repairs at the workshop. as far as i know. so it'll be another crippling week for me. spoilt kid i am. bite me.


the bad outweighs the good once again. the goals in my life have vanished somewhat. things that i once was sure about ain't that sure anymore. time to do some soulsearching.


in a situation where you have to try to please all sides. i became the villian. now the blame is being put on me. and i walked out.



that special someone. being able to spend time with her...she just means so much .

i want to be special to her..









off i go. till the next time.

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