Sunday, January 04, 2009


I have reached here safely! =) one word. COLD!

the flight was sickening. hahaha. sitting on your butt staring at a small screen. that ain't pleasant. gosh. at least i listened to some classical music.makes me feel intelligent. =)

oh wells. everything is okay right now. got alot of stuff to do before i'm all settled in. met a bunch of nice people. =)

hope everything turns out alright.

thank you everyone who came to send me off!

you guys ROCK! totally!
you're the best okay people!? =)

and for all those who texted wishes of all sorts. and for the two bozos who gave me a bilingual letter. hahaha.

and also for ben for that scarf. i have it wrapped around my neck rightnow.

thank you all!! i kinda miss home!
and my family.

thankk you again! =D

till the next update. adios amigos.

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