Saturday, May 30, 2009


quote from Jason Mraz's Blog "Even in talking to no one, we talk inside our heads and create meaning about millions of matters we truly don’t know anything about. And that’s perfectly normal."

that is just so true. Indeed. when faced with situations which are just crazily strange and overwhelming. your mind goes into overdrive and it runs through a million interpretations and a zillion more possibilities that will come after that.

Its amazing what ranges of feelings hits you when your brain goes through the endless interpretations and possibilities. It sucks that nothing can stop you from wandering aimlessly within yourself. Its not like you actually have knowledge of what will come next. Its just our built in defense mechanism. One that will make us feel better, or worse.

This is a strait path we're traversing upon, the mind is a powerful tool. If used wisely.

Use it wisely YOU WILL.

may the force be with you!

and with me of course.

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