Friday, July 10, 2009


Trazzle was held today. Me,Nic,Jon,Zhen John,Ui Tee,Jiayang was TEAM AWESOME.

Its some treasure hunt kinda thing. sooo first, we were blindfolded and was supposed to be scattered around in the basketball court. The goal is to find your teammate. and huddle up and tie a rubberband on your hair. okay we looked pretty funny. ANYWAYS. once the challenge started. UI TEE ran towards me. grabbed my hand. and we both RAN across the basketball court. to our AWESOME teammates who were already huddled up at the starting point. BOY were we AWESOME or what, well the trick is. WE COULD SEE. HAHA. welll ANYWAYS.

next task. eat a damn watermelon. damn primitive okay. Zhen John cracked the watermelon against the sharp edge of the table and tadaa. he RIPPED it apart. and split it among us. ui tee was damnn ganas. he looked like he was raping the watermelon. he threw alot into the gutter though. another skill of his. classic.

anyways. the clues were CONFUSING okay. ahaha one thing team AWESOME didn't do was.. actually got a clue right. well we're still AWESOME. shuddup.

the first station after the watermelon raping session was eating of some shit stuff la. they gave us like lemons, garlic, and a big onion. and biscuits. LOL. innocently. i took the biscuit and took a huge chunk outta it. littled did i know. it was layered with damn wasabi. seriously. imagine the shock. i was waiting to go into the overdrive mode...but i didn't! some pretty mild wasabi they have there. well LUCKY me.

ui tee and the rest on the other hand. were busy. stuffing em pockets with garlic and onions. hahaa while pretending. they were awesome okk. we barely ate anything. HAHA. but we got caught la. SADLY =(. JON LA.. tak pandai. someone spotted him throwing something away.

anyways. after getting lost a few times, we finally found the location of our next station..well by way of calling the one other team.. tung yang helped us. THANK YOU! mucho GRACIAS. anyways seriously we were bad at clues. the next one we were pretty lost. actually we're supposed to like you know sing to one of the commitee members. but we were searching for his whereabouts, not knowing that he lurked among us. DAMN IT.

we started huddling up and surrounding them commitee members. FINALLy after 3 happy birthday songs ( we were suppose to cheer this supposedly EMO commitee member up and get the next clue) we finally got the right person. THEN! he said. i'm not satisfied with your singing. so we changed our song to the mingle song. and while doing that. we literally HUMPED that person. and he got scared. HAHA. well imagine a bunch of sweaty guys grinding you. eww.

ANYWAYS. LOL. okay next clue is go print some number. took us a while. then we were told that we printed it wrongly so we had to do a time penalty. ish.
basically we have to tie our legs together. and walk to the other end. ahhhh how creative right. IT HURT OKAY. damn . our coordination was ZERO. ahahhaa.

and in the end. we got a 3 minute time penalty. for throwing the food away. =P

HAHAHA. andd guess what we got. 5th outta 6 teams. anddd we got a damn watermelon for that. ridiculuos okayy. lucky jon managed to swap it with the other groups prize. cotton candy. haven't had that for a VERY VERY LONG TIME.

it tasted... so sweeet.=)

well thats about it!

errr in conclusion.

here's jon stealing a shot with the guards cap. pooor security guard. all of us were literally going under the turnstiles. he didn't know what to do. he was just stunned. HAHA.



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