Saturday, October 28, 2006

THe Law Of Driving License

I went for the undang-undang course like around last week sunday.Hmmm it took quite abit of my day and i kindaof know SPM is nearing.But the anxiousness to get my license really took over me! So i had to take the course and hav my exam which falls on today.Hehehe!results tell u at the end of the post.Well i'm going to the same driving school as Yee ler..thx for recommending me! If not i will be dam bored during the 6 hour course for L license.We're going this wednesday.Heheh!'ll havto arrange with the driving instructor himself about the time for taking the course and when u want to take the exam and he will come and pick you up from your house.Not bad huh!?Yeah ..7.00 must get up ..on a sunday summore.After that he'll most probably bring you to the headquarters..Well this headquarters is located in a WEird place...a rubber estate area in bangi.It kinda really stands out.

The instructor was a funny guy.Yet has an interesting past! who said undang was boring!?it seems that he was in the armed forces during is younger days.How cool is that!?He jokes quite abit and he told us about his war experiences.wooohoo!!

What i like about him is that his so realistic and down to earth.He doesn't deny the FACT that mat rempit's are all malay kids.Org cina mana ada macam tu!? Ko panggil dia mat rempit dia ACTION! dia show off! apasal mau panggil lagi!?panggil mat BODOH sudah lah.Den sum high ranking fella in m'sia wanna create 1 club for them.So they can buat lumba HARAM legally.Tax payers money la of course.

Fact file....Malaysia is TOP 10 ranking!! in what...number of road accidents anually.Woohoo! Malaysia BOLEH!

Ops sikap dunno number wat adee..he say..1st day..13 org mati.Panggil ops MATI sudahlah.

Quite an interesting experience..except if u cut out the 1 n a half hours i had to wait for the other ppl that came in the same car as i to finish their lesson.

At the end he tried to sell some CD to us which obviously he burnt from a single software.RM 10! rm 10- rm 0.70=rm 9.30 Waaaa UNTUNG!U play the cd consisting 500 question animation wan..u sure pass undang!GOt ppl actually buy.he manage to sell 3.Untung around 27 bux adee.Can eat pizza!

Well off to my undang test....

From the outside.All i can say is that it really looks like an illegal arcade center.Hmmm i met up with an old friend from primary.He's taking the test also.WEll it looks kindaof like a cybercafe.Just that the com really sucked ..

Undang Test:

1st u must pass a color test.U are required to identify the numbers in a circle.Time limit:3 mins

2nd U must pass a eyesight test.or ABC test.they'll give u a number plate and u're required to choose the ans same wit the number plate given.TRICKY though! dun worry at this stage you hav another chance to retake immediately.time limit:2 mins

3rd 50 questions consisting wat u learnt at the course.Time Limit: 45 min

NO SWEAT!! lol i was really nervous when i submitted my answers.Well it turned out quite okay!! heheh

50/50 ! in 9 mins and 14 sec. heheh!

Well...all i can say is practice makes perfect.Do ur buku latihan 1 day b4 ur test.NOt in the car on the way der.Lol! or just use your common sense.My fren didn't study and he pass.Zzzzz 42/50 must get.


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