U bet cha..street soccer!! class against class...WHY? W-H-Y? sesat wankers are no more.... >.<
Me,Andrew,Wei jin and eugene makes up our class team.32 bux per entry kinda ex.Class dun wan sponsor.sob. HUI LU!!! sponsor please!! xD .nway i'm kinda excited about diz thg.We were grouped into da same group wit 5s2 n 5p4.Lol 1st match 5s1 vs 5p4. outcome 4-0
wei jin barely touched da ball.Evrythg is gud! all signs point to qualification to knockoutstages.
hmmm after tht hang around for about n hour playing da ball freestlying ..den finally.DA ULTIMATE CHALLENGE! 5s1 vs 5s2
Ma best mates jun jie n arthur r against us..I'm scared seriously.Got a feeling we might lose.N yep i was rite. outcome 2-0 to them.not us. Sigh dat spoiled ma day.Althoug andrew scored a free kick..but it wasn't counted.WHY? ders a new sherif in town mates...NO SHOOTING WHEN U"RE TAKING FREE KICK! wadeva man ..TALK TO DA HAND! sigh den da 1st goal scored by the opposition was SOLELY caused by my hesitation to clear da ball.WHY WOULDN"T I DO IT?i'm always making da same mistakes.DAt reli got me REAL REAL REAL DOWN.Sheesh..second goal ntg we could do about it.REGRET REGRET REGRET.Diz thg realli haunt's me....ma mates were superb! it was me! grrr i'm mad at myself. Always dissapointed at myself.Our class ppl was lyk cheering cheering n we lost.It kinda feels tht i've let dem down.sheesh but after tht i still managed to put on a smile n gave arthur a BIGGIE HUG! lol more lyk he was suffocating me haha.
Hmm nway tml is da quarters.Hope da SHERIFF's a.k.a QuarterMasters put us in.I realli want a chance to redeem myself.Please let der b 1...PUHLEASE!!! =(
Friday, June 30, 2006
Street Soccer Tournament
Treasure Hunt!?
Mission: Skip class by joining treasure hunt
Objectives:1) Stay Calm n Act Lyk U don't care ( Failed)
2)Hu cares about winning attitude (Failed)
3)Skip Class (Accomplished)
Hehe.Our objectives ain't tht straight.Lol!
Nway starting point at Assembly Ground. i was late for school for da 7th tym n had to go see da disiplin master..blah blah blah.Nway i didn't go.Ntg happened.Swt So y Go?sumhow da skool bell always ring when i'm lyk almost reaching da school gate.Den da prefects will stop me.
Okae okae..1st briefing by the coordinator .He keeps repeating da word OKAY? OKAY? lyk we're sum kinda of kindergarden kids.Nway he gave us our 1st question.How many headmasters has diz skool hav.Den every1 started running towards da hall.Errr!? wat cha waiting for?Lol follow dem! hmmm guess wat diz ain't any treasure hunt or watever. U just stand beside da coordinator..n LISTEN CAREFULLY. 4 outta 5 questions from my group was answered dat way.Hehe!
Den came da practical part....given a clue knowledge is da key to sumthg..lol forgotten da clue.Nway it's da library.n we're suppose to memorise sum english poem thingy. AmERICA AMERICA errrr blah blah blah blah thy liberty in law.Lol den we're suppose to go to da reading corner n recite it to da person in charge for out next clue. Hmmm den we were blindfolded n we were suppose to walk to da B BLOCK office on our own.BAH... too bad i could see.Hahaha! so i took da lead.den when we reach der.Technical prob ..no 1 der to meet us.Wat were we suppose to do next?no one noes.DEN lim yoke kheng come..wanna ask us to pose for her...aiyarh nvm la.wonder y she never see andrew's long hair .N she noticed mine RAWR!
nway after tht got alot of weird weird task's...nid to wrap toilet roll den go up da stairs without breaking it.den nid to carry wood to make a str8 line.And den came the worst part.SUm juice+soy sauce+SALIVA+ I DUNNO wAT? kinda of errr toxic waste?lol i dunno.We're suppose to use da straw n suck it up n gather it in a bottle.LOL .when i sucked the thg..EWWW it was FREAKING SALTY! gawsh..i almoz thew up.But nway jboy inspired us wit he's DOGGY spirit! lol n all of us sucked dat thg up lyk dawgs! we were quite fast too..
okae here comes da tormenting ULTIMATE TORTURE FOR ANDREW.Putting together a puzzle.LOL! andrew from starting get headache..half way he lying down adee...give up totally.Nway thank god we had Bobby ..da genius! lol he basically put eerythg together for us.haha we rawk man..it took us 1 n a half hours =.=.
crossword puzzle....lol sum1 came n told us da answers.TA DAA finish in NO TYM...lol wonder wat place we got...grrr hu cares..i'm tired filthy n thirsty.Sheesh so much for not trying to win da treasure hunt. We were running around lyk it was da end of the world !
Finally another entry! haha i'll try to get another 1 done.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Camp Shine 2006
Gawsh...CAMP SHINE?BEST CAMP EVER.Okay i'll start off wit a little background.I hope to cut down on da words n stuff so dat ppl won't get bored.Here goes...Camp Shine 2006 is a camp whr for da 1st tym ppl from Singapore Churches,Malaysia Churches,American Churches come together.Da ppl from america r from da TEXAS A&M university which is da agricultural n mechanical universiti of TEXAS.Therefore dey are known as da AGGIES 4 CHRIST.Get wat i mean?Itz main objective is to educate ppl..build bridges among christian brethren n jz a bunch of ppl LOVING GOD!Coordinator of da camp is Uncle Kelly Davidson from Texas A&M.Most amazing personality
n i respect him to da MAX!
Diz is da resort whr da camp took place.Not too shabby....but 4 stars?I seriously DOUBT IT.4 minus 2 sounds more lyk it....haiz can't realli do anythg since it is run by malays.U guyz noe wat i mean.Looks nice from da outside.Here comes da revelation
Fish Pond!? more lyk da waste tank whr all ur stuff go to....Looks lyk urine to me
Okay...Da main point here is to cre8 a nice place whr tourist's or guest's can walk across da water which seems lyk a gud idea...Too bad da water dried up.
4 star hotel toilet look lyk JAMBAN...i mean 4 star??PUHLEASE.Even a kiddo could tell tht datz totally not 4 star..And another FUn thingy da hotel management tried to do...on da brochure can see ppl tied to da poles n happily playing da human table soccer...den sumhow..now got stones inside...got bushes n long grass growing out of it.How cool is tht?
Now i guess lets take a visit to my rooms.Btw jz a remark..it's faster to take da stairs to da 7th floor den take da lift.MARK MY WORDS.Darn Lift.If u're lucky da lift will b right der waiting for u.if u're not den too bad..it'll b lyk 3-4 mins.My rooooom! my roomate is Michael...lyk to call him BIg Mike! dun haf his picture though.Will get 1 soon.Share a bed wit him XD!Look at da following pic..Cool HUh!? da best room ever..>.<
Haha nway jz kidding.Diz was 1 of da hotel rooms i came across den i took a pic thru da window.Freakky...wonder if it's haunted?nway diz is my room...
Da room is not too bad.Jz dat heard sum of my frens say their toilet got KULAT(FunGI)!?another of my fren say his room got rotten papaya...all i can say is DOn't expect ROOM SERVICE.Da windows lyk totally never wipe b4.Ders 2 bath room n two rooms.Each room can contain 2 ppl! so dat makes 4 ppl to a hotel room.Okay heres da balcony...
Cool huh!? got algae....n da bathroom door is half transparent >.<>.<
Okay enuff bout da hotel environment.1st we were lyk split into groups.Den we got to play lotsa lotsa fun games n singing.Here r a few snapshots.My group's name is da golden rubber ducks.XD cool huh!
Da lessons was based on a song.Kinda lyk children's christian song "This Little Light Of Mine".and after tht we'll watch a DVD done by Rob Bail.He's an AMAZING SPEAKER.Dat's all i can say about him .Diz is my group n my group poster..so nice!!!
I realli enjoyed group tym.Whr discussions will b held n we'll share thoughts n our lifes.Realli helpful n encouraging!nway here...it's funny how SOCCER unites ppl! as seen in the picture
Aggies +M'sian+Singaporean united by soccer.Just lyk da way how all ppl is united together by CHRIST!!Dat's whr we normally hav our food...well 1 nite we did go out n hav SEAFOOD!lol...n lets go to da "SEE FOOD" restaurant XD
While we were der....Daniel poisoned my DRINK!!! lol...but nvm we'll get back at him! right!?as u can see my tea is filled wit chilipadi...no wonder he was smiling so broadly....lucky i didn't drink it.Nway dat day.WE took a nice nice pic ...here it is
Dat is jz so beautiful.Evry1 wit a camera took pictures.It realli is so pretty.SHine....da light...is so bright...i wanna shine!!It jz reli reminds us of how precise n how our creator takes evry detail into notice.It's hard to say tht the earth jz came about bcoz of sum EXPLOSION?wat r da odds?come on...evrythg is jz so PERFECT!? and it was an accident?hu would've believe it.
Nway...basically ders sum free tym..n normaly wat we do is we go to the pool for a swim or we play soccer...beach soccer..!! it was reli interesting n fun! beach soccer rawks ,wat a new experience to me.N den we played water polo in da swimming pool too.Don't hav any pics of tht..haiz >.<>
Haha...i'm dancing wit jeremy instead when we were suppose to b fighting!Fun FUn! dat skit
RAWKED!nway here's sum pic of my lao shiong (bro) lol happen to act as a nerd! hahah funny!
I guess dat's about wat happened at campshine.Haiz...da next day we had to pack up n leave for Pj church.Da aggie's group will split wit 1 group goin to Pj n 1 group to Seremban.Didn't hav alot of tym to say gudbye as we were rushing.I HATE FAREWELLS.I REALLI DO.sheesh....CAmpshine reali rawk! SOyMilkian's u RAWK! AGGIES U RAWK! every1 U RAWK!
Okay dat's about it....haiz da layout is really really confusing...wanna apologise for tht.SORRY MATE's!! finally done...sigh of relief...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Goin on Church Camp...B back on Sunday >.<
Church camp in PortDickson...Ppl from all over da world will b der,mainly from singapore/america/m'sia...heard derz a korean too.How Cool is tht.Dunno y i kinda hav da feeling dat i don't wanna go.TOday i woke up at 7 >.< go on9 a while,den realise it was a gloomy day! how nice it would b to stay at home n sleep.Exams too coming,i even packed a few books to study der.Will i even touch da books?I HOPE SO.Haiz..Gotta go adee i guess.B back on sunday.Hope to take sum pics n post a new entry bout da camp!
-Ym Away on Camp Entry-
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Problems In My Head T.T
Dunno y,life is just full of WORRIES.Everyday u worry bout wat u gonna eat,wat u will do.It Kinda SUX.I'm Worried bout Hell LOTSA THG's.......WORRY WORRY WORRY.I REALLI hell wish i got a carefree life.THe characters on television seem to b carefree..Football players seem to b carefree...BIG HSE BIG BUX . Currently is holidays,but wat is after holidays?normally ppl will say dun worry...2 more weeks...but STILL dat day will come.SOme ppl will always say..ITZ DAT SIMPLE.....DON"T WORRY...>.< i doubt so.I'm worried now too.Is it possible to achieve a care free life?if u do achieve it will u WORRY bout losing it?LIFE IS JZ WEIRD.
Hav any of u wondered y were we born into diz world?WHY U?i mean..da feeling is HELL WEIRD.Think bout it...were u here b4?wat happen to ppl when dey die....where do dey go?do u ever feel anythg?will der b a JUDGEMENT DAY whr u stand b4 GOD n he will justify EVRY STEP U TAKE IN UR LIFE.Or will u Jz SEE NTG?N jz stare into ETERNAL DARKNESS,Pondering everythg bout ur life..how u spent it ...In a place whr tym does not exist.I used to worry bout all diz stuff Still kinda worried bout it now..i ALways will think of diz kinda thgs n it has caused me countless sleepless nights.Da feeling cannot b DESCRIBED..i realli wonder if I'm da onli 1 in da world thinking bout all diz stuff.Why do other ppl don't seem to BOTHER?Am i WEIRD?
U noe yesterday was da 666 wateva number day.DOOMSDAY?as 666 is da devil's num.I could kinda reli imagine wat DOOMSDAY will b lyk.once again i havta say i was WORRIED bout wat will happen during 6.06 6/6/2006 .Will earth jz suddenly EXPLODE?or will da cloud's part n da ANGEL of DEATH come n slaughter us all.Haiz....when will earth meet it's doomsday?will der even b 1?I'm a christian n i suppose i'm not suppose to hav diz kindaof thinking but..itz realli hard to just giv urself in.Itz easier said den DONE.
Sumtymz we tend to forget about diz kinda thgs.Mayb i hav too much free tym.To dream bout all diz stuff n to think bout all diz stuff..MAYB dat is da cause of all my problems...mayb i shud jz keep pressing on...STUDY HARD....keep myself occupied...dun think too much ....dun so wuliao.I jz CAN"T HELP IT.Is der even a purpose in studying if everythg's is jz gonna end?or dat is not da ultimate purpose for us to b here.SIgh...LIFE IS EASY WITH DIRECTIONS.WhR's da manual?Whr's da ULTIMATE TRUTH OF DA UNIVERSE?SO MANY QUESTIONS and YET SO LITTLE ANSWERS.I prefer to KNOw da truth even though da truth is painful n bitter....but yet i would not suffer in LIES.Always asking n asking n asking n yet not getting any answers.I WANNA KNOW......
Datz a weird entry to b published on da blog u might think.Itz jz my Unthoughful THOUGHTS...itz wat has been goin on my mind for da past few years of my life.Hope u guyz will post sum comments too.Dat's all i guess....LIFE GOES ON...sumtyms i realli wish it doesn't.
-Ym's weird blog entry-
Saturday, June 03, 2006
A Happy Futsalling DAy in KLANG!
Hey Peeps!
Today is a wonderful day....wonderful day to wat??FUTSAL!!!!!! hahahahhaa...okay actually diz was an event planned out by the KLANG CHURCH OF CHRIST..consisting of 6 teams...PJCOC will b sending out two teams n i asked my mate jason to join me.Dat pic of me is kinda blurry..forgive da hands of jason for he does not noe wat he did...XD.Nway OFF TO KLANG!
But 1st gotta fetch dat fag jason..haha muz thank him for temaning me..
Here Itz HIM!!! itz DA MAN!! JASON LIM...lol.Kinda funky huh?for a guy hu is goin for a futsal match.He came str from lunch wit his family..haha!After diz off to my church we go...My church is jz opposite da row of shops in front of Catholic High School.How convenient...
DIz iz MUA CHURCH!!itz da building opposite of da bus stop near the row of shops outside of school.Kinda Convenient huh?We waited der for our transportation to KLANG.Wanna thank Uncle Chong Seng for giving us a ride and also chatting wit us on the way hehe!Nway,SUPERSTARS TRAVEL IN STYLE!
How Bout diz for travelling in stlye..Wat more stlye can u Imagine den to travel in a MERCEDES BENZ.How cool is diz??2.8 litre engine..XD da ride was as smooth as ever....with minimal noise from da engine...cool huh??RETRO STLYO!!
Klang CIty.Haiz...itz beeeen YEARS i havta say.So much has changed.Driving towards Klang church was lyk walking down da memory lane.It brought back hell lotta child hood memories.Use to live in Klang when i was a child...b4 tht was living in SABAH..Lol i'm lyk a orang zaman paleolitik...tiada petempatan kekal XD.Nway i live wit my grandparents in Klang for quite sum tym,went to primary school der.Can't rmb which one though,forgot da name aso.>.<.All i can say is it chged hell lot..the feeling was realli realli weird driving through da city.Evrythg seems so familliar,yet wit abit of diffrence.For once i felt lyk i was a kid again...n still am XD.dunno wat talking me..haha!
Klang church finally...diz was the place i used to go when i was i kiddo...kinda looks da same haven been der in AGES..ages i mean more den a decade i suppose....ppl dat i've known back den were lyk HUGE...n got alot of pimples...hahahaha !!!lucky i dun hav..XD.Nway i didn't realli go in n hav a look as we were kinda rushing.I still kinda rmb da tyms whr i came wit my mom to worship here...den i would make hell lotta noise...den my mom will ask me to SHHHHH...LOL!Memories..memories and more MEMORIES!!!Time realli flies....it realli does...
AFter much dili dalying on the way....turning here n der...U-TURN EVRYWHR....lol we finally reach da place...lucky it was da agong's FIXED b'day.No Policeman XD.As u can see in da pic dats jason n dats da place we played futsal.I would rate the place a 3 outta 5 on my futsal quality scale.Not bad alot of chairs n tables for putting stuff n jz laze around.Itz kinda SEMI open air too so itz not dat stuffy.Dunno da name of da place though,was too caught up wit futsal to take any notice.Nway we started out by a small teeny weeny briefing by IAN da coordinator of diz "FRIENDLY" futsal match from klang..dat dude has got cool hair,n he still remembers me!! hahaha!After tht we split into teams...TEAM A TEAM B.Den A vs A/B vs B.Der was kinda a dispute between my frens of hu goin huz team...haiz.diz kinda thgs happen.Nway i was in a team wit jason ,wei yen ,andrew, kimhua,brian,calvin,Li Onn.LOL! y so many de?i tot 6 per team.Hu cares! FUTSAL FUTSAL! BRING IT ON! 1st match was kinda tense..2-1 i scored a super duper chicken goal..haha bounce of da keeper n tym kinda lyk slowed down...i watched it bounce into da net....XD.2nd match was DA BOMB! 8-0!wei yen giv chance la...score so many for wat...hahaha!i'm so glad dat jason was der.....my buddy ..da core of our defence...lol!without him sudah bocor sampai tak bleh bocor lagi.On the other side...reagan's team pulak 1st match from 3-1 down fought back to 4-3 n won.SALUTEZ! der was a big dispute over da shooting inside da D line thg.but evrythg went smoothly.Da second match for them dey won it 7-1.hahaha!Haiz..kinda sad we were not on the same team >.<.Dat was basically da summary of da matches.Kinda long u may wanna skip diz part...haha!Nway see jason in the CHSFC shirt?lol! CHSFC RAWKS! n jason pulak POSER >.<
Diz was da kinda rock thingy dat can b found in da artificial pitch of da futsal court.Lol..and all diz thingy ended up in my shoes!n MY SHOES ONI....swt other ppl come out 1 or 2 biji oni.mine pulak macam gunung....wonder why...skillful players more ???hahahaha nobody noes!
After cleaning up n exchanging greetings n engaging in conversations...all of us packed up n left da place.WE found out dat two DJ ppl were der...lol !kinda weird huh?After tht we travelled in Uncle Chong Seng's BeNZ again...haha! cool ain't it?so nice of him to drop us off in front of school.Thx again !!!!lol Lyk he's gonna look at my blog XD.AFter tht me n Jason decided to eat at KANNA's DUMB CURRY HSE.>.<...SErvice Sux,Food Okay okay la.Air Cond adak tapi tak mahu buka.Must ask him to ON.(Cutting Costs!?)Wad da hell lah MACHAH(Brother In Law) lol!Nway ...Food come.Dessert He gimme.Dessert I take.Pay He want me.Pay I don't wan.GIv him back i want.Nice he say.Don't wan i say.NICE he say again.Dun wan i say again.Nice he say AGAIN! Free i want i tell him.Smile at me he did.Give him back i did.Come back wit a tray full of dessert he did.NICE he say again>. Look at da YUMMY FOOD! AS we were about to eat....SHih xuan pulak msg from genting..wanna lansi us she at 988 concert >.<.Lol den she ask jason dun eat so much..look at how pissed is jason...he piss until he SMILE!!! shih xuan u die!! hahahaha.Nway after makan...my sis come >.<> Dat's about it.Would lyk to SINCERELY apologise for da confusing layout of my pics n words.I couldn't upload my pics wit da layout's together...sorry sorry! finally can submit my entry..!!! happy happy!
Chinese...Wat an ENJOYABLE SUBJECT >.<
<<<<< CLick here to read diz masterpiece of mine....
Most ppl hu noe me...will noe dat i dislike chinese.Not to say disrespect the race ,jz dat i dun reli lyk da language.My personal opinion is dat ppl hu noe how to speak chinese is enuff....Y the nid to learn all those chinese history...old language translation...bloody LONG proverbs said by who wat does it mean all dat shit...>.< Itz Realli TORTURING.Haiz wat to do.CHS is a skool whr chinese ppl muz take chinese.Unless u're from a BM primary skool.Madam Tan Lin would hav KICKED UR ROYAL BUTT OuTTA da skool if u say u wanna drop chinese.Haiz wat to do..gotta live wit it.SUmtyms life's jz unfair.I'm grateful dat i am able to master 5 languages namely Bahasa Melayu,ENglish,CHinese,Cantonese(How to survive in KL without knowing diz),HOkkien?owh ya n a bit of thai.XD SawadeeCRAP(1 of my thai fren tried to con a matsaleh to say diz XD)...lol kiddin itz actually sawadeekap.
Nway bout my essay....
it was a miracle dat Pn.Yap didn't blow up lyk a nuclear bomb.Normaly she would hav.Thinking back i'm kinda suprised dat i had da BALLS to do tht.
Hope dat essay proved to b sum sort of entertainment to u peeps out der...haha but to b entertained..muz noe how to read chinese.Translation UNAVAILABLE
Friday, June 02, 2006
Opening Ceremony Of A Non-Bloggers Blog
HEy all Peeeeeeeps!!!
DIz iz my 1st BLOG!!!!! n i'm a non blogger ..couldn't think of a name..so a non blogger's blog??lol!!! itz reli kinda weird comments plz!!I'm Yan Ming n YM is my Initials.Cool Huh?dunno y prefer ppl calling YM den calling my name XD.Nway i'm goin on a quest which is to bcome a sucessful n established blogger..so may da force b with me..hope every1 will lend a helping hand.WIll appreciate it LOADS!!!
Now i move on to the opening ceremony..i would lyk to thank yee ler for inspiring me...n would lyk to thank streamyx for da ever so shitty connection which causes HELL LOTAOF trouble for subscribers.DOn't CHA AGREE?Nway i would'nt b using it if it was not the ONLY ISP in M'sia...>.<>.< internet keep DC .HOW TO MAJU?Now u can see tht i'm not reli patriotic or wateva haha!
OKay I guess datz about it...nway dat picture consists of ME,WEI JIN,ANDREW,JBOY.(From LEft)
N We R KNOWN as the SESAT's which means LOST....direct translation to Bm dat is.
hahahaha my next entry will b soon...XD