Gawsh...CAMP SHINE?BEST CAMP EVER.Okay i'll start off wit a little background.I hope to cut down on da words n stuff so dat ppl won't get bored.Here goes...Camp Shine 2006 is a camp whr for da 1st tym ppl from Singapore Churches,Malaysia Churches,American Churches come together.Da ppl from america r from da TEXAS A&M university which is da agricultural n mechanical universiti of TEXAS.Therefore dey are known as da AGGIES 4 CHRIST.Get wat i mean?Itz main objective is to educate bridges among christian brethren n jz a bunch of ppl LOVING GOD!Coordinator of da camp is Uncle Kelly Davidson from Texas A&M.Most amazing personality
n i respect him to da MAX!
Diz is da resort whr da camp took place.Not too shabby....but 4 stars?I seriously DOUBT IT.4 minus 2 sounds more lyk it....haiz can't realli do anythg since it is run by malays.U guyz noe wat i mean.Looks nice from da outside.Here comes da revelation
Fish Pond!? more lyk da waste tank whr all ur stuff go to....Looks lyk urine to me
Okay...Da main point here is to cre8 a nice place whr tourist's or guest's can walk across da water which seems lyk a gud idea...Too bad da water dried up.
4 star hotel toilet look lyk JAMBAN...i mean 4 star??PUHLEASE.Even a kiddo could tell tht datz totally not 4 star..And another FUn thingy da hotel management tried to do...on da brochure can see ppl tied to da poles n happily playing da human table soccer...den got stones bushes n long grass growing out of it.How cool is tht?
Now i guess lets take a visit to my rooms.Btw jz a's faster to take da stairs to da 7th floor den take da lift.MARK MY WORDS.Darn Lift.If u're lucky da lift will b right der waiting for u.if u're not den too'll b lyk 3-4 mins.My rooooom! my roomate is Michael...lyk to call him BIg Mike! dun haf his picture though.Will get 1 soon.Share a bed wit him XD!Look at da following pic..Cool HUh!? da best room ever..>.<
Haha nway jz kidding.Diz was 1 of da hotel rooms i came across den i took a pic thru da window.Freakky...wonder if it's haunted?nway diz is my room...
Da room is not too bad.Jz dat heard sum of my frens say their toilet got KULAT(FunGI)!?another of my fren say his room got rotten papaya...all i can say is DOn't expect ROOM SERVICE.Da windows lyk totally never wipe b4.Ders 2 bath room n two rooms.Each room can contain 2 ppl! so dat makes 4 ppl to a hotel room.Okay heres da balcony...
Cool huh!? got algae....n da bathroom door is half transparent >.<>.<
Okay enuff bout da hotel environment.1st we were lyk split into groups.Den we got to play lotsa lotsa fun games n singing.Here r a few snapshots.My group's name is da golden rubber ducks.XD cool huh!
Da lessons was based on a song.Kinda lyk children's christian song "This Little Light Of Mine".and after tht we'll watch a DVD done by Rob Bail.He's an AMAZING SPEAKER.Dat's all i can say about him .Diz is my group n my group nice!!!
I realli enjoyed group tym.Whr discussions will b held n we'll share thoughts n our lifes.Realli helpful n encouraging!nway's funny how SOCCER unites ppl! as seen in the picture
Aggies +M'sian+Singaporean united by soccer.Just lyk da way how all ppl is united together by CHRIST!!Dat's whr we normally hav our food...well 1 nite we did go out n hav SEAFOOD!lol...n lets go to da "SEE FOOD" restaurant XD
While we were der....Daniel poisoned my DRINK!!! lol...but nvm we'll get back at him! right!?as u can see my tea is filled wit wonder he was smiling so broadly....lucky i didn't drink it.Nway dat day.WE took a nice nice pic it is
Dat is jz so beautiful.Evry1 wit a camera took pictures.It realli is so pretty.SHine....da so bright...i wanna shine!!It jz reli reminds us of how precise n how our creator takes evry detail into notice.It's hard to say tht the earth jz came about bcoz of sum EXPLOSION?wat r da odds?come on...evrythg is jz so PERFECT!? and it was an accident?hu would've believe it.
Nway...basically ders sum free tym..n normaly wat we do is we go to the pool for a swim or we play soccer...beach soccer..!! it was reli interesting n fun! beach soccer rawks ,wat a new experience to me.N den we played water polo in da swimming pool too.Don't hav any pics of tht..haiz >.<>
Haha...i'm dancing wit jeremy instead when we were suppose to b fighting!Fun FUn! dat skit
RAWKED!nway here's sum pic of my lao shiong (bro) lol happen to act as a nerd! hahah funny!
I guess dat's about wat happened at campshine.Haiz...da next day we had to pack up n leave for Pj church.Da aggie's group will split wit 1 group goin to Pj n 1 group to Seremban.Didn't hav alot of tym to say gudbye as we were rushing.I HATE FAREWELLS.I REALLI DO.sheesh....CAmpshine reali rawk! SOyMilkian's u RAWK! AGGIES U RAWK! every1 U RAWK!
Okay dat's about it....haiz da layout is really really confusing...wanna apologise for tht.SORRY MATE's!! finally done...sigh of relief...
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