Saturday, June 03, 2006

Chinese...Wat an ENJOYABLE SUBJECT >.<

<<<<< CLick here to read diz masterpiece of mine....

Most ppl hu noe me...will noe dat i dislike chinese.Not to say disrespect the race ,jz dat i dun reli lyk da language.My personal opinion is dat ppl hu noe how to speak chinese is enuff....Y the nid to learn all those chinese history...old language translation...bloody LONG proverbs said by who wat does it mean all dat shit...>.< Itz Realli TORTURING.Haiz wat to do.CHS is a skool whr chinese ppl muz take chinese.Unless u're from a BM primary skool.Madam Tan Lin would hav KICKED UR ROYAL BUTT OuTTA da skool if u say u wanna drop chinese.Haiz wat to do..gotta live wit it.SUmtyms life's jz unfair.I'm grateful dat i am able to master 5 languages namely Bahasa Melayu,ENglish,CHinese,Cantonese(How to survive in KL without knowing diz),HOkkien?owh ya n a bit of thai.XD SawadeeCRAP(1 of my thai fren tried to con a matsaleh to say diz XD) kiddin itz actually sawadeekap.

Nway bout my essay....

it was a miracle dat Pn.Yap didn't blow up lyk a nuclear bomb.Normaly she would hav.Thinking back i'm kinda suprised dat i had da BALLS to do tht.

Hope dat essay proved to b sum sort of entertainment to u peeps out der...haha but to b entertained..muz noe how to read chinese.Translation UNAVAILABLE

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