Friday, June 02, 2006

Opening Ceremony Of A Non-Bloggers Blog

HEy all Peeeeeeeps!!!

DIz iz my 1st BLOG!!!!! n i'm a non blogger ..couldn't think of a a non blogger's blog??lol!!! itz reli kinda weird comments plz!!I'm Yan Ming n YM is my Initials.Cool Huh?dunno y prefer ppl calling YM den calling my name XD.Nway i'm goin on a quest which is to bcome a sucessful n established may da force b with me..hope every1 will lend a helping hand.WIll appreciate it LOADS!!!

Now i move on to the opening ceremony..i would lyk to thank yee ler for inspiring me...n would lyk to thank streamyx for da ever so shitty connection which causes HELL LOTAOF trouble for subscribers.DOn't CHA AGREE?Nway i would'nt b using it if it was not the ONLY ISP in M'sia...>.<>.< internet keep DC .HOW TO MAJU?Now u can see tht i'm not reli patriotic or wateva haha!

OKay I guess datz about it...nway dat picture consists of ME,WEI JIN,ANDREW,JBOY.(From LEft)

N We R KNOWN as the SESAT's which means translation to Bm dat is.

hahahaha my next entry will b soon...XD

1 comment:

Iridiscence said...

hmmm, okay, i'm the first to comment, muahahah, all i have to say is, spell properly! and post a story about HER!!!